Turning Movement Count

Turning Movement Count or most popularly known as Intersection count is to count pedestrians, cycles or vehicles which are moving towards an intersection. The main purpose is to gather the vehicle data to determine the traffic flow in that direction. Turning Movement Count is used to determine the left turn, Right turn or U turn of fast moving vehicles. Error is estimation by the Turning Movement Count are due to differences in geometric design of the roadway, traffic flow, signal timing and vehicle classification.

Ambius Technologies offers you Turning Movement Count Services as one of our services it provides with the latest technology making it our priority to provide clients with accurate, modest services. Traffic surveys of the flow of traffic are provided without any errors- the right data of the turns and exact directions of the traffic coming into every road junction is captured.

Link Count Services

Ambius Technologies is a traffic survey company that provides you with the most precise, obtainable Link Count Services which is usually done for individual vehicles moving from one point to another. We can carry out Link counts from busy motorways to quiet rural roads. We supply very accurate Link Count Services depending on the client’s requirements. We do this for any vehicle classification and any number of vehicles. Link Count Services are very effecting in providing street-level traffic data that will help in predicting traffic flow with accuracy. Planning traffic environments and developing their functionality requires analysed information on traffic flows and volumes.


We carry out Link Count Services manually especially by tallying as part of our traffic and transport data collection. Traffic data is collected by our skilled staff at different places for a given period of time providing both car classifications and the rates of speed movements of the different types of cars. The data is usually recorded bi-directionally on an hourly or half-hourly basis or as determined by the client.



Bicycle & Pedestrian

Pedestrian Count Survey acts as a vitalizing element in estimating the traffic condition of the city since they require the data to ensure their safety and mobility. In the past due to lac of proper research, the pedestrian count survey was much neglected and more emphasis was given on collecting the actual data of moving vehicles. However estimating the Pedestrian Count by simple intuitive judgement proved to be faulty since road accidents were on the rise threatening the security of the citizens.


Walking and cycling are very popular modes of transport in cities of all sizes and developing towns around the world. Bicycle Count Services and Pedestrian Count Services on the streets or roads is very useful for transport planning, Urban Design and Urban Planning. Cycling and walking in some cities is for health benefits while in some it is the only affordable and quick way of getting around. Cycling and walking facilitate connectivity in cities. The demographics of the people using the road infrastructure for both sports and movement are helpful in carrying out comprehensive transportation data analysis.

Parking Studies / Parking Survey

Our Parking Studies Count Services looks into measuring the volume of people parking on the streets in comparison to those parking off streets at recognized parking lots, hospitals, clinics and all other places that offer parking facilities.The Parking Studies Count Services help in carrying out traffic data analysis as per the client’s requirements. These studies help stakeholders arrive at the decisions on whether more parking spaces should be provided within and around cities and towns to control traffic flow.


Parking Studies Count Services carried out for various clients have been a great tool to help identify the main problems associated with parking, both on the streets and off the streets. The experience so far has helped us appreciate the variance in kinds of parking surveys required by various clients from different locations and countries. Our current 11 clients are satisfied and happy with our accurate services.

Registration Plate Survey

License plate survey is the key technology to be implemented in an intelligent transportation system, monitoring traffic flow, tolls on a highway or even finding a stolen vehicle. However it is high time to refine the pre-existing systems as studies have proved that in India an annual of 60,000 crore has been reported due to heavy waiting time at toll plazas and check points and delays due to heavy traffic congestion in metro cities & not to mention the alarming rise in road traffic accidents.


We carry out registration License Plate Survey which involves collecting field data on vehicle license plate numbers, matching license plate numbers at various checkpoints, noting arrival times at various checkpoints, and classifying vehicles. The number of checkpoints along every route varies according to the character of the road and the road network. Checkpoints are located at major interchanges and intersections. 

Registration plate survey as a service runs on surveillance that includes image and footage interpretation to feed into the database all the required information by the clients about every classification and registration of the individual vehicles in the towns and cities under various projects. It also uses a combination of high-tech equipment and time-tested training to collect and present data efficiently and comprehensively.

Roundabout Count

A roundabout is a type of circular intersection or junction in which road traffic is permitted to flow in one direction around a central island, and priority is typically given to traffic already in the junction. 


Traffic exiting the roundabout comes from one direction, instead of three, simplifying the pedestrian’s visual environment. Traffic moves slowly enough to allow visual engagement with pedestrians, encouraging deference towards them. Other benefits include reduced driver confusion associated with perpendicular junctions and reduced queuing associated with traffic lights. They allow U-turns within the normal flow of traffic, which often are not possible at other forms of junction. Moreover, since vehicles that run on gasoline averagely spend less time idling at roundabouts than at signaled intersections, using a roundabout potentially leads to less pollution. 


When entering vehicles only need to give way, they do not always perform a full stop; as a result, by keeping a part of their momentum, the engine will produce less work to regain the initial speed, resulting in lower emissions.

Queue Length Analysis

Queue length analysis is one of the services we provide under all traffic data services. We aim at providing excellent capturing of data of vehicles in cities, and any other location outside cities that our clients are interested in capturing traffic data from. Queue length analysis is a system that keeps record of the number of vehicles in the queue before the green light signal comes on and they begin moving. The efficiency of this service is in partially based on the number of vehicles moving in every queue and at every road junction.


Ambius Technologies  offers you the perfect methods of receiving this data with an excellent signal queueing survey that includes the capturing of the capacity of each lane’s queue in correlation to its length. All the traffic control data recorded includes an overview of all the lanes existing at every road intersection to deliver an accurate report.


Our digitalized systems make it possible to track all queues according to the clients demands up to the motorway lanes if required by our clients. We conduct multiple surveys that makes our service exclusively unique and a perfect suit to a client from any location of the world.

Intersection Counts

Intersection count is a type of traffic surveys where we need to count the vehicles, cycles, pedestrians, which is conveyed in a particular road, path or intersection. The main purpose is to optimize the counts of vehicle movements through an intersection during certain time periods. So our intersection count study enumerates number of left-turn, right-turn, u-turn and through movements for each approach. This is also known as the turning movement count.


So to calibrate the movement of vehicles through the area, intersection count is needed for this. Also intersection can include queue and delay data capture, pedestrian and a range of other user-specified information. It is better to say that to calculate the total vehicles according to the classifications, as well as pedestrian, cycles turning movement, Intersection Count is sketched. So for manual counting several observers will be necessary to perform Turning Movement Counts at signalized intersections. But in case of Non-signalized intersections will typically require fewer resources.

During certain time periods, The goal of the Intersection Turning Movement Counts is to resume the counts of vehicle movements through an intersection. This type of volume compact is used in making decisions regarding the geometric design of the roadway, sign and signal installation, signal timing, pavement marking, traffic circulation patterns, capacity analysis, parking and loading zones, and vehicle classification. The intersection count is measured at the intersection and it is useful in planning turn prohibitions, designing channelization, computing capacity, analyzing high accident intersections etc.